Sunday, February 5, 2017

Doc McStuffins Birthday Party

It's been a while since we posted, but we are back and determined to not let this fall to the side. The next few posts will be posts of things we've already done.

I stumbled across these photos from my daughter's 4th birthday party. It was a Doc McStuffins birthday party. Maybe viewing the photos will give you a little inspiration for your Doc McStuffins party.


Birthday Cake - There was not a Doc McStuffins cake at that time so we used a Doc candle along with lolly pop candles and her mini figures.
 Lamb Tails - Large marshmallows (These were a hit.)
 Stuffy Wiches - Finger sandwiches
 Chilly Juice - Turquoise lemonade

 Wafer Aids - Sugar Wafers with hearts stenciled on top to look like Doc's band-aids
 Sunny Days - cheese balls


Homemade Operation - just like the board game of Operation; get a pair of food tongs and let kids pick a treat from each of the openings. Let this be the last game so the treats are the beginning of their goody bag. The littles were able to keep the candy even if they hit the sides. The older kids missed out on the candy if they hit the sides. They had to go to the end of the line to try again.

Emergency Room Race - They picked a patient (stuffed animal) and rushed them to the emergency room (they made a lap around the room). Then they treated their patient by placing them in a body cast. They were able to take their patient home to keep an eye on them during recovery.

Snowball Race - similar to egg races; instead of spoons use tongue depressors or something similar; instead of eggs use cotton balls; choose a distance or course for the children to and let the race begin. The small kid version is that they get to pick their cotton balls up and keep going if they fall. The big kid version requires them to go back to start if they drop their cotton ball.

Pin the Tail on Lambie - Doc version of pin the tail on the donkey

Goodie Bags

Jelly Bean Medicine - Fake medicine (jelly beans in a condiment cup)

Pretzel Mometer - Fake thermometer (Long pretzels dipped in white chocolate with red thermometer markings)

Little Book of Boo Boos & Crayons - small notepads and crayons

Thank you prints

Table Wear

Food Plate (Bottom), Cake Plate, Blower, Cups w/stickers 

Hopefully this helps to spark your imagination and give you ideas for your little ones Doc party. Comment with any questions you have. 

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